News & Events
Updates on all current Entitle activities
30th of November in London
The first out of two planned ENTITLE workshops at SOAS University will take place on the 30th of November 2015, on the theme of extraction from a Political Ecology perspective.
Co-authored by ENTITLE fellow D. Andreucci and M. Radhuber
Diego Andreucci (ICTA, UAB) and Isabella M. Radhuber’s paper Limits to “counter-neoliberal” reform: Mining expansion and the marginalisation of post-extractivist forces in Evo Morales’s Bolivia, is currently in press with the journal Geoforum.
On the 14th of October, Dimitri Roussopoulos, the prominent Canadian environmental activist, will offer the seminar “Political Ecology and Social Ecology - the spectrum from yesterday to today” at ICTA-UAB Campus.
ENTITLE's first workshop in Africa will take place from 29 September - 1 October 2015 at the German Goethe Institute in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia under the title Land, Water & Climate Change: Institutions in Ethiopian Agrarian Transformation.
The ENTITLE special intensive course on “Project Management and Contribution to Policy” took place in Barcelona during the 20th - 23rd of January 2015.
New paper publication on hydropower anti-politics “Hydropower, Anti-Politics, and the Opening of New Political Spaces in the Eastern Himalayas” is the freshly published paper by ENTITLE fellow Amelie Huber and Deepa Joshi.
A chain of contributions to the ENTITLE fellows blog by leading social scientists and political ecologists adds an apropos critical look on the ecomodernist manifesto.
Power and conflict are at the core of socio-environmental change, but existing knowledge and higher education structures are ill-equipped to address them. Most of socially-relevant environmental research takes place within isolated disciplinary silos and has a disciplinary orientation. Questions are framed in relation to scholarly traditions, not in terms of the structure of the problems and the conflicts at hand, which transcend conventional departmentalization.
Dr. Gustavo Garcia Lopez, Entitle fellow at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, will present "The state and the commons: Dynamics of resistance, collaboration and adaptation in Mexico" on the 28th of May, and Prof. Erik Swyngedouw, from Manchester University, will introduce "Liquid Power: Contested Hydro-Modernities in Twentieth-Century Spain" on the 4th of June.
This course co-organized by ENTITLE offers an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of Political Ecology through concrete examples. Coordinated by Iago Otero, lecturers include Prof. Erik Swyngedouw, Markus Wissen and Matthias Schmidt.
Christy Petropoulou (University of Egeo, Greece) will offer a 2 day seminar on "Paisajes urbanos, movimientos urbanos sociales y valores medioambientales" at ICTA-UAB (in Spanish) on the 9th and 10th June 2015.
The second edition of the summer school on degrowth offered by ICTA and Research & Degrowth, this year with environmental justice as a special focus. ENTITLE network mentors and fellows will be participating the activities, giving lectures, and presenting their latest work.
Joanh Wedekind (PhD fellow at Humbolt University of Berlin), Rita Calvario (PhD fellow at Autonomous University of Barcelona) and Giorgos Velegrakis (PhD fellow at Harokopio University, Athens) will be giving lectures at this year’s Radical Geography seminars “The issue of land and land rent: A radical geography perspective”, organized at the Harokopio University in Athens.
This commentary article by Giorgos Kallis, Erik Gómez-Baggethun, and Christos Zografos was published this January 2015 in the Ecological Economics journal.
Co-authored by Begüm Özkaynak, Cem İskender Aydιn, Pιnar Ertör-Akyazι & Irmak Ertör, this article on the Gezi Park resistance was published this January 2015 in the Capitalism Nature Socialism journal.