New commentary article on “The limits of monetization in valuing the environment: A reply to Gsottbauer et al.”
This commentary article by Giorgos Kallis, Erik Gómez-Baggethun, and Christos Zografos was published this January 2015 in the Ecological Economics journal. It is a reply to a commentary (included in the same journal issue) by Gsottbauer, Logar, and van den Bergh that has been published as criticism to an earlier (2013) paper published in the same journal by Kallis, Gómez-Baggethun, and Zografos that was titled “To value, or not to value?That is not the question”.
In this commentary Kallis, Gómez-Baggethun, and Zografos answer to criticisms raised concerning their 2013 article, which integrated political ecology scholarship on the commodification of nature with the critical ecological economics literature on monetary valuation of nature to assesses the conditions under which one may, or may not engage with processes that value nature in money terms.