Entitle Syllabus and Self-teaching Instructions

Christos Zografos

Entitle Syllabus and Self-teaching Instructions

This post-graduate syllabus is the product of ENTITLE training events in political ecology, specifically summer schools and Special Intensive Courses (SIC) conducted within the ENTITLE FP7 Initial Training Network project.

Throughout 2012-2016, ENTITLE offered six SIC (in Manchester, Barcelona, Rome, and Berlin) and three summer schools (in Syros, Lund, and Istanbul), with a duration that varied between four and six days per event. Lectures and public events during those courses were recorded, and together with other audio-visual material generated by the project are freely available at the project’s website (Entitle TV) and at the project’s YouTube channel.

The syllabus is of 12-weeks duration, designed to adapt to both the needs of a taught course and for self-study. It includes teaching instructions and accompanying bibliography, combined with the above audio-visual material. It also includes an Annex with an expanded reading list in political ecology, put together by Prof Julian Bloomer with contributions from members of the PESO email list (for more information please see inside the report).

Click  here to download the Syllabus