“Memorias Sertanistas”: New book by Felipe Milanez

“Memorias Sertanistas”: New book by Felipe Milanez

Entitle fellow, researcher and journalist Felipe Milanez (University of Coimbra), just published his new book (in Portuguese) “Memórias Sertanistas: Cem anos de indigenismo no Brasil”.

In the wake of the meeting "Memories of the Sertão people: one hundred years of indigenous movement in Brazil", held in 2010 at the Teatro SESC Anchieta, this book chronicles the experiences of Brazil's main Sertão communities (in the northeast, semi-arid rural parts of the country). Coming from different regions, those communities have lived through an important period of national history, marked by the economic expansion to the west and by efforts of creating institutional means to protect indigenous peoples. Without the Sertão people, the clashes with Western society that have occurred during the last century would have been even more atrocious. At the forefront of these conflicts, they had the difficult task of protecting the State's own Indians; a state for which they worked and a society which they represented. The book includes testimonials from Afonso Alves da Cruz, Altair Algayer, Fiorello Parise, Jair Condor, José Carlos Meirelles, Jose Porfirio, Marcelo dos Santos, Odenir Pinto, Sydney Possuelo, Wellington Figueiredo, as well as from indigenous representatives Afukaka Kuikuro and Paul Supretaprã Xavante, and a piece by the anthropologist Betty Mindlin.

More information on the book can be found here.