ENTITLE Workshop on the Political Ecology of the Commons
27th of January 2016 at SOAS University of London
This ENTITLE workshop interrogates recent developments in the theory of the commons from a political ecological perspective paying attention to questions of power, distribution and the role of the State. Presentations include both theoretical and empirical contributions, case studies including ‘old’ and ‘new’ commons, ranging from indigenous communities of the Peruvian Amazon, to rural India, to the solidarity economies of the Athens’ indignant movement.The workshop is organized by Professor Rosaleen Duffy and Professor Giorgos Kallis
Rosaleen Duffy is Professor of Political Ecology of Development, Department of Development Studies, SOAS University of London
Giorgos Kallis is Leverhulme Visiting Professor at SOAS and coordinator of the European Network of Political Ecology.
Practical information:
When: 27th January 2016
Where: Room T102, Main Building, SOAS Univrsity of London. Space is limited. The workshop is free of charge.
More information here
9.45-10.00 | Arrival |
10.00-10.10 | Welcome & Introduction: Professors Rosaleen Duffy and Giorgos Kallis, SOAS |
10.10-11.30 | Dr. Jennifer Baka, Assistant Professor, Department of Geofraphy and Environment, LSE Making Space for energy: wasteland development, enclosures and energy dispossessions Dr. Subir Sinha, Senior Lecturer, Development Studies, SOAS Commons, common, multitude? What radical political theory can learn from political subjectivity of India's poor |
11.30-11.45 | Coffee Break |
11.45-13.05 | Dr. Stefania Barca, Senior Researcher, Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra Laboring the commons: for a political ecology of the Amazon's extractive reserves Dr. Harry Walker, Senior Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, LSE Commons beyond community: a view from Amazonia |
13.05-14.15 | Dr. Giacomo D'Alisa, Post-doctorate Fellow, ICTA, Autonomous University of Barcelona A pre-analytic of the commons Aggelos Varvarousis, PhD Candidate, ICTA, Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Pr. Giorgos Kallis, ICTA, Autonomous University of Barcelona Liminal commons in Greece |
15.35-15.45 | Coffee break |
15.45-16.25 | Dr. Massimo De Angelis, Professor of Political Economy and Development, University of East Anglia Complexity and the commons |
16.25-17.00 | Open discussion facilitated by Giorgos Kallis 1. Are we over-stretching the definition of the commons? 2. Commons and the State. 3. Are the commons always ‘ecological’? 4. Power asymmetries within the commons, 5. or other questions as they emerge through the presentations. |